Send Funds

Send Funds

Securely online!

Registration fees and tax-deductible donations can be sent online.

Be sure to include a note with camper name and camp session if sending registration fee, or a note indicating this is a donation!

A registration form is also required to complete registration:

Additional notes:

  • Funds are sent in US dollars.
  • Your funds are received securely in MVBC's bank account for processing.
  • If you are sending a donation, you will receive a receipt from MVBC for your donation as a deductible contribution for income tax purposes.
  • PayPal deducts a fee of 2.2% plus an additional $0.30 from your contribution. Your receipt for a tax-deductible donation will reflect the amount of your gift less this fee. (To avoid this fee, you might wish to donate through your bank's "bill payment" option, or mail us a check.)